Passing On Some Wise Words

Passing On Some Wise Words

I am working on a paper of sorts to be submitted to an academic journal.  The paper is about Accepting one’s beatings.  In the process of writing this paper I started thinking of a section of a book by Antonie de St. Exupery called, The Wisdom of The Sands. In...
Accepting One’s Beatings

Accepting One’s Beatings

The Father of General Semantics, Alfred Korzybski, once offered advice for pursuing happiness.  Basically, happiness is having minimum expectations while maintaining maximum effort/motivation to one’s projects.  See, he felt that people with high expectations...
Accepting Fear & Pain

Accepting Fear & Pain

…this week I faced a major fear: physical pain.  I’ve been struggling to become more comfortable with the sensation of tension.  You know, awkward silences, longer than usual eye contact, sexual tension, or simply just the feeling of judgement.   I set out...
Ninja Thwack!

Ninja Thwack!

A Ninja Thwack occurs when you have the sudden realization that you’ve transformed your experience of life in some way, usually by taking some kind of action. What follows are two recent examples of Ninja Thwacks. Here we go… Thwack One I’ve written...
Gratitude & Thankfulness

Gratitude & Thankfulness

…this week I’ve reflected every day on what there is in life to be thankful for.  When doing this it is a relief to move away from other perspectives such as “how others have it more easier than I do” or “What I want but cannot...
So Fuck it…

So Fuck it…

The other night I met up with an ex, not just any ex.  THE girl that I experienced who, through the experience, taught me that I am nowhere near the kind of guy I need to be for the kinds of women that I want in my life.  It was really a clusterfuck of an experience....