What is My Coaching Philosophy?

My coaching philosophy is about 90% different than most self-help you can find or read about.

I am no Tony Robbins.

Your past experiences.  Your past hurts.  Your upbringing.  Your old habits.  Your inner psychological mechanism.  Your relationship with your mother or father.  None of these matter in my approach to coaching.

It is not that they are not important.  It’s just that in my approach to coaching they do not matter.

My approach to coaching is future-focused.  What motivates you most in life is nothing from your past, but from the imagined future you think your real-time actions, choices, and decisions will help you achieve.

Again, it’s not that your past experiences do not matter.  They do.

But the gift of the past is that once it is done it is done.

Instead of trying to heal your past before you feel you are ready to become the person you want to become, my approach to coaching helps you direct your focus to the past of your future.

Think of it this way.  One day in the future you will have a past you’ll be thinking about.  Wouldn’t be great if that past is one build on actions, choices, decisions, and experiences you can feel empowered and inspired by?

As Lee Thayer once said: “Today is the context of tomorrow.”  What we do today will become our past of tomorrow.

This is why my approach to coaching is future oriented.  I’m less concerned about where you’ve been than I am about helping you focus on getting to where you are going and where you want to go.

You can never change hurts of your past, but you can create a past you’ll be so empowered and inspired by that your past hurts will matter less, and in some case, not at all.

So start TODAY to build your ideal past of your future!

The Four Principles of Life’s Operating System

My coaching philosophy follows 4 principles of life.  These principles are taken from my coaching mentor, Leigh Louey-Gung, founder of the Attraction Institute.

You can read more details about these principles on http://lifeoperatingsystem.com.

The 4 principles of life that inform my coaching approach are:

  1. Everything you do you do for a reason
  2. That reason is a desire for an experience
  3. Many problems you perceive in your life come from the pathway you are using to achieve that experience
  4. The solution to many of your problems is developing more experientially independent pathways

By approaching my coaching from the perspective of these 4 principles I am able to teach you how to identify the core issues at root holding you back from making the progress you know you are meant for in a way that is right for you.

The Coaching Progression

These four principles of life are used to shape the coaching progression.  The coaching progression is a 7 stage self-transformation process.  It consists of the following levels: 

  1. Ownership
  2. Script Identification
  3. Script Selection
  4. Implementation Plan
  5. Focus Control
  6. Assessment
  7. Embedding Practices: Repetition

My coaching does not try to get you to follow a system or become someone you are not.  It is always all about you and what you want.

By utilizing this structured progression, I am able to help you identify and create both short-term and long-term solutions to some of your most recurring problems in a way that is customized to you and your wants, personally.

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