[These blog posts appeared originally on the Attraction Institute’s “My Story” blog roll chronicling my inner confidence transformation journey between the years 2011-2014]
…it’s almost 2 am. I’m writing in the heat of passion. I sat there, relaxed outside at the bar’s beer garden. I was amidst talking with a couple, a guy and his fiance. They were discussing core desires about where they would ideally like to...
read moreThose Days, You Know The Ones
…you ever have those days? The one’s where life seems to be literally throwing all kinds of things at you with the specific purpose of stopping your forward momentum? All I wanted to do was figure out why I received a text detailing that my...
read moreSo Truth Then, And A Beautiful Girl
This summer has been the best summer in over 7 years. I push through some incredibly intimidating fears and met face to face with some challenges that I had been putting off for years. This summer I became comfortable with being alone, and became open to feeling...
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