What is the Coaching Progression?

The coaching progression is a 7 step transformation progression that is designed to maximize your journey in a way that is right for you.

The best way to understand it is to go though it.  So let’s get started.

1. Ownership

If you are not part of the problem, then you cannot ever be part of the solution.

Ownership is a process of learning how to become aware of and accept the things you have contributed to the issues you face in your life.

2. Script Identification

The “script” is a snapshot of the 3 aspects creating your experience of life.

The Script is: 1. your current experience, 2. your desired experience, and 3. your pathway for bridging the gap between your current and desired experience.

Assuming you are currently unsatisfied with your experience of life, this step involves showing you how to find your true core desires and recognize the ineffectiveness of your current pathway.

3. Script Selection

Script selection is a process of learning how to create more effective scripts that make use of more efficient pathways for creating your desired experiences of life.

This step involves both short-term and long-term approaches to script creation so you can find pathways that will work for your particular goals.

4. Implementation

Implementation is the process of creating personalized, step-by-step action plans of challenging but achievable actions that work to forge new pathways.

This is the step is where you start stretching your limits, pushing your edge, and conquering your fears by taking action to change your experience.

5. Focus Control

Focus control is a hugely important step.

This is a process of learning how to redirect your focus back upon your goals and implementation plan, especially when things begin to get challenging.

When you find yourself falling off track, focus control will help you get back on track.

This step involves developing a progressive meditation practice because focus control is your self-transformation skill that makes lasting progress possible.

6. Assessment and Adjustment

Once you begin taking action towards your desired experience of life, you will need to assess if your new script is effective in creating the life you want.

If it is not, then this is the process of reassessing what it is you truly want and making changes to your action plan.

7. Reinforcement

This step is easy.  It’s just repeat steps 1-6 for other issues you face in your life.

Ready To Try It Out?  Try It Out RIGHT NOW

Take out a pen and paper…

…or open a word file on your computer to make notes to yourself as I take you through each step of the progression right now.

Ok. Think about a single issue you are facing.  A recurring behavior that you want to change because doing so would have a meaningful impact on your current experience of life.

More specifically, think of situations where you want to take an action of some kind but find yourself holding back, or not taking the action you know is right for you, or simply struggling to be the way you want to be.

This could be being more assertive in office meetings, talking to people are are attracted to, being open about your real desires to friends or family, wanting to run a marathon, quit smoking, or quit your job.

Just be sure to choose a problematic thing you do that solving will have a lasting and meaningful impact in your life.

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