What Is The Script?

The concept of the script was created by Australian coach and entrepreneur Leigh Louey-Gung.  The script is a conceptual tool for gaining a snapshot of the real-time core motives surrounding why you do what you do at any moment.

If you want to learn more about the intellectually-based backing for this perspective on human action, you can read my article here (coming soon).

Many clients struggle learning and applying the script.  This is because it is built on premises that are not at all very common in modernized, Western culture.

If you want to learn more about the modern biases that make the script difficult to grasp easily, you can read my article here (coming soon).

The power of the script is that it makes all your problems very simple to understand.

This is important because if you do not have a clear idea of where you currently are, how can you ever expect to know when you’ve arrived to a different place?

The script simplifies the multitude of problems that you feel hold you back from having your ideal lifestyle:

“I have always been shy.”

“I have no self confidence.”

“I get anxious around other people.”

“I am boring.”

“Women are not interested in me.”

“I do not know what to say.”

“I was abused as a child.”

“Men are assholes.” 

“I just don’t have much experience.”

“I am unattractive.”

“I have no self-discipline.”

“I have to work to make money.”

“Society is stacked against me.”

“My family was built on guilt.”

“I’m just a giver to a fault.”

Each and every one of the obstacles, barriers, and problems you face are created by ineffective scripts.

The script helps you identify the CORE experiences shaping your sense of all the things you believe are holding back.

How does it do all this magic?

By helping you get clear on three dimensions of your life in any real-time situation.

  1.  Your current experience
  2.  Your desired experience
  3.  How you are attempting to bridge the gap between your current and desired experience

These three dimensions comprise your script.  The script you are running at any moment in your life shapes your sense of yourself, others, and the world around you.

What many clients struggle with when learning about the script for the first time is the experiential nature of the script concept.

But not all clients struggle to learn the script.  A good number also pick it up quickly and immediately use it to start making inroads on their transformations.

Ready to encounter it yourself by applying it to the situation you are facing?

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