What Is Your Desired Experience?

Welcome to the second part of finding your script.

Here we will work to find your desired experience surrounding the issue you are working through.  Again, I asked you to pick a situation where you wanted to take and action but failed to do so.

To discover your desired experience you need to first know what outcome you wanted to achieve.

Thinking about your situation, what is the outcome that you wanted to happen? (Note: Circle the specifics of this “outcome” because we will return to it when we work to figure out your pathway.)

If you were able to experience this outcome, how would that make you feel?

Again, see if you can identify how you would feel using the core experiential terms from the list you went through on the previous page and not just the emotional concept you are familiar with.

This is your desired experience.

If you are still struggling to identify your current experience, now it is simple to find your current experience because it is always the opposite of your desired experience.

If your desired experience is to feel powerful, then not taking the action that you wanted to made you feel powerless (current experience).

If your desired experience is to feel free, then not taking the action that you wanted to made you feel blocked (current experience).

If your desired experience was to feel admired by your co-workers, then not taking the action you wanted made you feel insignificant or unimportant (current experience).

If your desired experience was to feel in control of your responses to rejection, then not taking the action you wanted made you feel weak and uncertain (current experience).

Now that you have identified the current experience and your desired experience of the situation you are working through, clearly state it.

I wanted to avoid feeling/experiencing (Current Experience here) and wanted to experience (Desired Experience here).

Remember we are trying to provide a snapshot of your experiential motives for not taking the actions you wanted to, so let’s move on to your pathway.

Now we have to find your pathway.

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